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SSC SI & ASI (Delhi Police, CAPF, CISF) Exam Selection Process
SSC SI & ASI (Delhi Police, CAPF, CISF) Exam Selection Process: Staff Selection Commission (SSC) Sub-Inspectors in Delhi Police, CAPFs and Assistant Sub-Inspector in CISF Examination’s selection process details are given below….
Selection Procedure: Examination will consists of Written examination and Physical Efficiency Test, Personality test/ Interview and Medical Examination.
A. Written Examination: Written examination will consists of two papers each paper will have 200 questions and alloted for 200 Marks in the duration of Two Hours. Questions in both papers will be of Objective Multiple Choice Type. Questions will be set in Hindi and English in Parts A, B and C of Paper I. In case of discrepancy, the English version will prevail. There will be negative mark of 0.25 marks will be made for each incorrect answer. Marks received in Paper-I will be used to screen the candidates for appearing for PET/ Medical Examination.
Note-I: The Commission shall have the discretion to fix different minimum qualifying standards in each part of Paper I taking into consideration among others, category-wise vacancies and category-wise number of candidates. Only those candidates, who have scored above the cut off marks fixed by the Commission in Paper I would be required to appear in the Physical Endurance Test/Medical examination.
B. Physical Endurance Test (PET): Candidates will have to undergo PET / Medical Examination. Only those candidates who secure qualifying marks in Paper I of the written examination, as may be fixed by the Commission at their discretion, will be shortlisted for Physical Endurance Test (PET)/ PST and medical test. Paper-II of shortlisted candidates who qualify in PST/PET will only be evaluated.
Note: Candidates shortlisted for PET/Medical Examination on the basis of their performance in Paper-I will only be called for Paper-II. Paper-II of only such candidates who qualify in PST/PET will be evaluated.
C. Personality Test/ Interview: The candidates who qualify in Paper I of written examination and PET and Paper II of written examination will be called for Personality Test/ Interview based on their combined performance in Paper-I and Paper-II.
Note- II: Marks received in Paper-I will be used to screen the candidates for appearing for PET/Medical Examination. Marks of such screened candidates in Paper I if they are successful in PET/Medical Examination, will be taken into account along with marks in Paper II for final ranking of candidates for selecting them for the interview of 100 marks and also final selection.
D. Medical Examination: All the candidates who qualify in the PET will be medically examined by the Medical Officer of the CAPFs or any other Medical Officer or Assistant Surgeon belonging to Grade I of any Central/State Govt. Hospital or Dispensary. Those who are found fit in the medical examination and qualify in the written examination also will be required to appear in the Interview(Personality Test) of 100 marks.
After the written Examination and the Interview /personality test, the Commission will draw up an All India Merit List and, in that order, as many candidates as are found by the Commission to have qualified in the Examination shall be recommended for appointment upto the number of unreserved vacancies available taking into consideration their options for the posts included in the examination. The Commission will recommend the candidates in the Merit List on the basis of the aggregate marks obtained by the candidates in the written examination and interview/personality test.
Finally selected candidates for the posts of Sub-Inspector and Assistant Sub-Inspector would, as part of training curriculum, have to pass seven obstacle events as mentioned below, failing which they may not be retained in the Force:
i) Jumping over the Vertical Board;
ii) Holding the rope on jumping from the Board.
iii) Tarzan Swing;
iv) Jumping on the Horizontal Board;
v) Parallel Rope;
vi) Monkey Crawl;
vii) Vertical Rope.
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